181. Cpl. George Jacob KUTTEN Army (1924-1992)
Name: Ya'acov bar Natan
Died: 4 Iyyar 5752
Born: Jun. 20, 1924 Died: May 7, 1992 Burial: May 10, 1992 Age: 67
Relations: Father, Grandfather
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182. Naftulie 'Tuli' DINOVITZER Army (1916-1992)
Name: Naftali bar Pinchas
Died: 11 Kislev 5753
Born: May 19, 1916 Died: Dec. 6, 1992 Burial: Dec. 8, 1992 Age: 76
Father: Paul Mother: Bella
Relations: Brother, Uncle
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183. Sgt. Abraham KESSLER Army (1908-1992)
Name: Avraham bar Shmuel
Died: 26 Cheshvan 5753
Born: 1908 Died: Nov. 22, 1992 Burial: Nov. 23, 1992 Age: 84
Father: Samuel Mother: CURTZ, A. Spouse: SLOBOD, Sylvia; SEGAL, Sylvia
Relatives: Wife Sylvia Segal
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather, Brother
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184. Leon BERNARD R.C.A.F. (1918-1992)
Name: Leib bar Baruch
Died: 27 Sivan 5752
Born: Sep. 7, 1918 Died: Jun. 27, 1992 Montreal, QC Burial: Jun. 30, 1992 Age: 73
Father: Sam Mother: KOCH, A.
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother
Source: GenealogieQuebec.com Deaths for birth, death Montreal, parents, status married LAFRAMBOISE
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185. Solomon KUSHNER Army (1913-1992)
Born: Dec. 18, 1913 Died: Jun. 11, 1992 Montreal, QC Burial: Jun. 14, 1992 Age: 78
Father: Harry Mother: ANTEZORSKY, AA. Spouse: DUFRESNE
Relations: Husband
Source: GenealogieQuebec.com Deaths for Salomon [sic] KUSHNER for birth, death 1992-06-11 [sic] Montreal, spouse DUFRESNE, parents
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186. Solly OSTROFF Army (1924-1993)
Name: Yisroel Eliezer bar Yehezkel
Died: 3 Iyyar 5753
Born: Jul. 30, 1924 Died: Apr. 24, 1993 Sainte-Anne-De-Bellevue, QC Burial: Apr. 28, 1993 Age: 68
Father: Harry Mother: SLIFKA, Marie
Relations: Brother
Source: GenealogieQuebec.com Deaths for birth, death Ste-Anne-B, parents, status single
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187. Capt. Yuri BORIK Army (1908-1991)
Name: Yidka bar Yehezkel
Died: 1 Shvat 5751
Born: Nov. 4, 1908 Died: Jan. 16, 1991 Burial: Jan. 17, 1991 Age: 82
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather
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188. Anna FISHMAN BORIK (1911-1997)
Name: Chana bat Yudah
Died: 5 Cheshvan 5758
Born: May 31, 1911 Died: Nov. 5, 1997 Burial: Nov. 6, 1997 Age: 86
Relations: Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister
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189. Miriam ABRAMOVITZ GELBART (1919-2010)
Name: Miriam bat Yonah
Died: 16 Elul 5770
Born: Apr. 17, 1919 Died: Aug. 26, 2010 Burial: Aug. 29, 2010 Age: 91
Spouse: Joseph
Relations: Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother, Sister
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190. Sgt. Maj. Joseph H. GELBART Army (1916-1989)
Name: Yosef bar Ya'acov
Died: 4 Tishrei 5750
Born: Apr. 23, 1916 Died: Oct. 3, 1989 Burial: Oct. 5, 1989 Age: 73
Spouse: ABRAMOVITZ, Miriam
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather
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191. Paul SHAHAR Army (1919-1991)
Name: Pinchas bar Yehoshua
Died: 20 Tamuz 5752
Born: Aug. 19, 1919 Died: Dec. 8, 1991 Burial: Dec. 9, 1991 Age: 72
Mother: SCHECHTER, Dvora Spouse: ARONSON, Judith
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother
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192. Judith ARONSON SHAHAR (1927-2016)
Name: Yehudit bat Meir
Died: 15 Cheshvan 5777
Born: Feb. 18, 1927 Died: Nov. 16, 2016 Burial: Nov. 18, 2016 Age: 89
Spouse: Paul
Relations: Mother, Grandmother, Sister
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193. Sgt. Jean M. TASKER BRODSKY W.A.A.F. (1920-2014)
Name: Ruth bat Avraham our Patriarch
Died: 6 Elul 5774
Born: Nov. 11, 1920 Died: Sep. 1, 2014 Burial: Sep. 4, 2014 Age: 93
Spouse: Avrom
Relations: Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister
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194. Flt./Sgt. Avrom BRODSKY R.C.A.F. (1915-1991)
Name: Avraham bar Shmuel
Died: 15 Tevet 5752
Born: Aug. 25, 1915 Died: Dec. 22, 1991 Burial: Dec. 24, 1991 Age: 76
Spouse: TASKER, Jean
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother
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195. Samuel INHABER Army (1913-1992)
Name: Shmuel bar Chaim haLevi
Died: 1 Tevet 5753
Born: Sep. 1, 1913 Montreal, QC Died: Dec. 25, 1992 Burial: Dec. 28, 1992 Age: 79
Father: Hyman Mother: KERSHENFELD, Rose Spouse: BLUMENFELD, Mollye
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother
Notes: Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather and Brother
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196. Mollye BLUMENFELD INHABER (1915-1997)
Name: Ester bat Mordechai
Died: 3 Iyyar 5757
Born: Aug. 27, 1915 Montreal, QC Died: May 9, 1997 Burial: May 13, 1997 Age: 81
Spouse: Samuel
Relations: Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister
Notes: Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Sister
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197. Jack SHAFFER Army (1924-1993)
Name: Ya'acov bar Chaim Baruch
Died: 22 Cheshvan 5754
Born: Jan. 15, 1924 Died: Nov. 6, 1993 Burial: Nov. 9, 1993 Age: 69
Father: Chaim Mother: Leah
Relations: Father, Brother, Uncle
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198. Joseph RABINOVITCH R.C.A.F. (1921-2004)
Name: Yosef bar Yehuda
Died: 29 Kislev 5765
Born: Aug. 28, 1921 Montreal, QC Died: Dec. 12, 2004 Burial: Dec. 14, 2004 Age: 83
Spouse: HELIOSCH, Christine
Relations: Husband, Brother
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199. Christine Helen HELIOSCH RABINOVITCH (1919-1993)
Name: Helin bat Avraham our Patriarch
Died: 25 Kislev 5754
Born: Jan. 29, 1919 Died: Dec. 9, 1993 Burial: Dec. 12, 1993 Age: 74
Father: Wilhelm Mother: NEWRATH Spouse: Joseph
Relations: Wife
Source: GenealogieQuebec.com Deaths for Christa HELIOSCH for birth, death Montreal, parents
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200. Sylvia WHITE DAVIS R.N. (1924-2016)
Name: Zisel bat Avraham
Died: 18 Nisan 5776
Born: Mar. 2, 1924 Died: Apr. 26, 2016 Burial: Apr. 28, 2016 Age: 92
Spouse: Edward 'Eddie'
Relations: Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother
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201. Edward 'Eddie' DAVIS Army (1920-1996)
Name: Yitzhak bar Shmuel
Died: 13 Nisan 5756
Born: May 27, 1920 Died: Apr. 1, 1996 Burial: Apr. 3, 1996 Age: 75
Spouse: WHITE, Sylvia
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother
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202. Irving SOMMERS Army (1911-1994)
Name: Yisroel bar Dovid
Died: 19 Nisan 5754
Born: Jun. 14, 1911 Montreal, QC Died: Mar. 31, 1994 Montreal, QC Burial: Apr. 5, 1994 Age: 82
Father: David
Source: GenealogieQuebec.com Deaths for birth, death Montreal, father David, mother Marie Herscourtze [sic], status single
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203. Norman NORMAN R.C.A.F. (1923-1998)
Name: Noah bar Mordechai haLevi
Died: 28 Shvat 5758
Born: Sep. 2, 1923 Montreal, QC Died: Feb. 24, 1998 Montreal, QC Burial: Feb. 25, 1998 Age: 74
Spouse: ERLICK, Faye
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother
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204. Faye EHRLICK NORMAN (1926-2021)
Name: Feige bat Meir
Died: 19 Cheshvan 5782
Born: Apr. 25, 1926 Died: Oct. 25, 2021 Burial: Oct. 27, 2021 Age: 95
Spouse: Norman
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205. Sara COHEN GOODMAN (1916-2008)
Name: Sarah bat Aaron
Died: 11 Adar2 5768
Born: Feb. 19, 1916 Died: Mar. 18, 2008 Burial: Mar. 23, 2008 Age: 92
Spouse: Theodore
Relations: Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister
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206. Theodore 'Ted' GOODMAN R.C.A.F. (1911-1995)
Name: Tovia bar Shmuel
Died: 8 Shvat 5755
Born: Apr. 5, 1911 Died: Jan. 8, 1995 Burial: Jan. 10, 1995 Age: 83
Spouse: COHEN, Sara
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother
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207. David HAMOVITCH R.C.A.F. (1914-2004)
Name: Dovid bar Avraham
Died: 17 Tevet 5765
Born: Nov. 25, 1914 Died: Dec. 29, 2004 Burial: Dec. 31, 2004 Age: 90
Spouse: TOMPKINS, Sylvia
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather, Brother
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208. Sylvia TOMPKINS HAMOVITCH (1922-1993)
Name: Tzipora bat Shimon
Died: 21 Shvat 5753
Born: Feb. 17, 1922 Died: Feb. 12, 1993 Burial: Feb. 14, 1993 Age: 70
Spouse: David
Relations: Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister
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209. Abie MOSCOVITCH Army (1914-1996)
Name: Avraham Shlomo bar Gershon
Died: 20 Tishrei 5757
Born: Aug. 15, 1914 Died: Oct. 3, 1996 Burial: Oct. 4, 1996 Age: 82
Spouse: ZUKERMAN, Nellie
Relations: Husband, Father, Grandfather
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210. Nellie ZUKERMAN MOSCOVITCH (1917-2006)
Name: Necha bat Dovid haLevi
Died: 8 Shvat 5766
Born: Apr. 17, 1917 Died: Feb. 6, 2006 Burial: Feb. 8, 2006 Age: 88
Spouse: Abie
Relations: Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister
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Records shown: 30