58. Louis GREEN (1901-1999)
Born: Nov. 15, 1901 Glace Bay, NS Died: Apr. 19, 1999 Toronto, ON Burial: Apr. 21, 1999 Age: 97
Father: Bernard Mother: COHEN, Fanny Spouse: LEITH, Libbie; COHEN, Annie
Relatives: Wife Libbie
Source: GenealogieQuebec.com Marriages 1982-080-17 marriage to Annie COHEN (widowed 1980-12-08) for birth 1901-11-15 NS, status widowed 1980-05-12 [sic]
Notes: Based on provincial birth record, birthdate on stone is believed to be incorrect.
Record Report ResearchNews
EGSZ 4:A:071

Records shown: 1