213. Nathan STEINHANDLER (1911-1995)
Name: Nachman bar Saul
Died: 5 Tamuz 5753
Born: Jun. 15, 1911 Poland Died: Jul. 3, 1995 Burial: Jul. 5, 1995 Age: 84
Father: STEINHENDLER, Saul Mother: KLEINGLAS, R. Spouse: NIEDEL MILLER, Zeporah Feige
Relatives: Wife Feiga
Source: GenealogieQuebec.com Deaths for name, birth 1911-06-15, death 1985-07-03;
+  parents, spouse NIDELYTE, status married;
GenealogieQuebec.com Marriages 1969-08-19 marriage to Zeporah Feige NIEDEL MILLER for status widowed, birth, birthplace
Notes: Death date probably 1995-07-03; Hebrew date should be 5 Tamuz 5755
Record Report Research
D13 11:21

Records shown: 1