8. Fern VINEBERG KARPMAN (1959-2017)
Born: Apr. 7, 1959 Died: Aug. 18, 2017 Burial: Aug. 21, 2017 Age: 58
Father: VINEBERG, Ralph Mother: BROWN, Louise Spouse: Ronald
Record Report ResearchObit!
C1o 02:04A
10. Willie GERTIN (1925-1936)
Name: Ze'ev bar Chaim
Died: 8 Shvat 5696
Born: 1925 Died: Jan. 31, 1936 Age: 11
Father: GERTIN, Hyman Mother: BLACKMAN, Freda
Notes: Died after sunset. Surname on record was SHAFER, which might have been a confusion with Willie SCHAFER d.1936. Twin brother David was buried in 1932 with surname GECHTIN, one of several surnames used by the family.
Record Report ResearchKenederAdler
C1o 02:04
Stone: sinking in ground, surrounded by tree

Records shown: 2