762. David Jacob SAXE (1879-1909)
Name: Dovid Ya'acov bar Yosef Pinchus
Died: 23 Tishrei 5670
איש ישר הולך * נהנה מיגיע כפיו הר' דוד יעקב ב"ר יוסף פנחס בן שלשים נפטר כ"ג לחודש תשרי שנת תר"ע
Translation: A righteous man who enjoys the fruits of his labours David Jacob the son of Joseph Pinchus died aged 30 on the 23rd of the month of Tishrai 5670
Born: 1879 Died: Oct. 8, 1909 Burial: Oct. 10, 1909 Age: 30
Notes: *Could also be חולה which means 'sick' or 'sickly'. The word הולך means 'goes' or 'walks'
Record Report Research
A5 15:25
Stone: Hebrew-only

Records shown: 1