543. Leopold WEISZ Sculptor (1880-1912)
Name: Aryeh ben Avraham Avinu
Died: 28 Nissan 5762
Born: 1880 Pest, Hungary Died: Apr. 15, 1912 Titanic Burial: May 6, 1912 Age: 32
Spouse: PEDE, Mathilde Francoise
Source: Baron de Hirsch burial registry sequence number 0846 for burial 1912-05-06, age 33, status married
Notes: Victim of the Titanic sinking. Encyclopedia Titanica - 2012 CJN article. Hebrew date should be 5672, not 5762.
Record Report ResearchNews News News News News Geni
A5 12:06
Stone: modern stone

Records shown: 1