1417. Edward BARKOFF (1900-1988)
Name: Yitzhak bar Tzvi Arieh haLevi
Died: 21 Tevet 5749
Born: Jul. 19, 1900 Montreal, QC Died: Dec. 28, 1988 Burial: Dec. 30, 1988 Age: 88
Father: Hersh Mother: WISSE, Rebecca Spouse: SILBERSTEIN, Babette 'Bobbie'
Relatives: Wife Babette
Notes: From: Who's Who in World Jewry, NY, 1981, p 44:
Barkoff, Edward, Can, land developer, b. Montreal, Can, July 19, 1900; S. Hersh and Rebecca (Wisse); m, Babette Silberstein, Nov 2, 1938; c Arnold David, Victoria Rubin; Pres, Les Plateaux de la Ferteine [sic - should be la Ferté], since 1948; pres, Equitable Enterprises, since 1959, Mem: Chmn, Combined Jewish Appeal (CJA); pres, Allied J Community Services; V-Pres, Council of Jewish Federations, NY; V-Pres, Combined Health Appeal; natl exec comm, Canadian J Congress; Wartime Prices and Trade Board; board member, Montreal Council of Social Agencies; board trustee, YM-YWHA and Sir Mortimer B Davis J Gen Hosp; governor, Lady Davis Research Foundation; pres, Mt Royal Lodge, Lodge no 729, B'nai Brith; Concordia U Assoc; patron Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Heb Free Loan, Can. Friends of Hebrew U Endowments; Bar Illan U; gov, United Talmud Torahs; endowments, Ben Gurion U; Soc for Crippled Children; Initiator of Young Leadership Development Project [Barkoff Leadership Award] for CJF, 1956; chairman, study for low-cost housing for aging (so far has resulted in construction of 4 non-profit apartment bldgs). Recipient: Citizen Honoraire, City of Cap de la Madeleine, Quebec, 1965; Samuel Bronfman Medal, Allied J Community Services, 1980; street in Cap de la Madeleine named Rue Barkoff. Home: 1745 Cedar Ave, Apt 705, Montreal, Quebec, Can. Office: 1010 St. Catherine St. W, Suite 832, Montreal, Quebec, Can.
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