Gary Perlman - Volunteer Amateur Genealogist

This page has links to some genealogy resources that I share with people when I do volunteer research, which typically has a focus on Jewish Genealogy in Montreal. I'm really just an amateur, the self-appointed genealogist for my family, aided sometimes by the experts at the Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal. I started doing volunteer genealogy research in November, 2014.

What I've Learned

After dozens of meetings with clients, I think I've learned some lessons worth sharing. They are in no particular order, but start with my interactions with my clients, who generally range in age from their 70's to 90's. They are provided to my by the Therapeutic Recreation department at Maimonides; I don't know the selection criteria, but I think they include high cognitive function. I see each client one-on-one with a computer for about an hour every two weeks.